Soy Beans are the most nutritious plant food available.
They consist of:
- All 3 of the macro-nutrients required for good nutrition:
- COMPLETE protein, i.e. contain ALL the essential amino acids in the amounts needed for human health; in an amino acid profile close in quality to meat, milk and egg protein
- Carbohydrate; and
- Fat (soy oil is rich in essential fatty acids, phospholipids, natural sterols – all of which have known important health benefits)
- Vitamins (including folic acid)
- Minerals (including calcium and iron)
- Prebiotics (e.g. Raffinose and Stachyose, which “feed” the good colonic bacteria = probiotics, resulting in a stronger, healthier colon with enormous benefits to the immune system).
- Fibre
- Isoflavones (accounting for 75% of soy’s protective effects in the human body)