by Editorial | May 18, 2015 | Soy Protein info
An extensive body of literature indicates that soy food consumption leads to significant decreases in total cholesterol (10–19%), LDL cholesterol (14–20%), and triglycerides (8–14%). Soluble fibre in soy beans assists with: Lowering of blood cholesterol levels,...
by Editorial | May 18, 2015 | Soy Protein info
Soy Beans are the most nutritious plant food available. They consist of: All 3 of the macro-nutrients required for good nutrition: COMPLETE protein, i.e. contain ALL the essential amino acids in the amounts needed for human health; in an amino acid profile close in...
by Editorial | Mar 25, 2015 | Soy Protein info
The best of the best? Bodybuilding .com the guru site for whey [dairy protein] supplements used universally by sports enthusiasts, finds soy is just as good a protein for in sport and or general life as whey, but what is omitted is that Soy is a lot less expensive kg...
by Editorial | Mar 25, 2015 | Soy Protein info
Early measurements of protein quality were based on a 1919 study, where the protein quality was calculated using a method known as PER (Protein Efficiency Ratio). The basic flaw of PER was that it was calculated based on the amino acid requirements of young growing...